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Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

New Odette and Lancelot Special Skins for Christmas

New Odette and Lancelot Special Skins loadscreen
The most wonderful time of the year needs to have wonderful events for the game right? 

Fear not, the game knows that you want to have a remembrance this 2017 so they teased the players of the Advanced Server (patch notes 1.2.40) the new special skins of Odette and Lancelot, the Christmas Carnival which can be bought by 749 diamonds.

It is a special-type of skin that celebrates this year’s Christmas. Because it is special, it has special animations in movement, attack, and ability that anyone who likes to have a Christmas feel while in-game you can enjoy these skins!

Odette Christmas Carnival - Overview

Odette wears a red skirt matched with her black with green streaks shirt. 
odette special skin Christmas Carnival
She also wears long black socks with a winter hat of the same color, armed with her magical snowflake staff with a candy cane. She sports a Christmas look with this outfit and if you think that’s over for the design, prepared to be mistaken!

Her abilities come with additional special effects. First, her auto-attacks create a special snow effect when it hits an enemy.

Odette’s passive which bounces on enemy units can change animation from time to time you proc the passive. It can be either a candy cane, mistletoe or a Christmas stocking jumping on each enemy your skill bounces! Her novas changed from balls to Christmas gifts and finally, in her ultimate, she creates a Christmas tree around the area as it shows various Christmas related items.

How cheerful! Also, the skin grants an advantage of +8 Magic Power so you have an early start for the battle ahead.

Lancelot Christmas Carnival

Lancelot sports his Black with Green Streaks Sweater in an undershirt of white shirt, jeans, red shoes, a red scarf and of course his weapon, a candy cane lance.
Lancelot special skin christmas carnival
Of course, he would also have changes in his abilities. Albeit, not that great as his partner, Odette, he still has the swagger to take those enemies down, Christmas style!

His auto-attacks come with a flash of light streaks after attacking the enemy. His first skill would also leave some green and red marks when Lancelot dashes also when he strikes, it creates those Christmas color strikes. His second skill also has its Christmas-themed style as it involves the Candy Cane Lance attack and with a Snowflake design that we would also see in his ultimate skill.

The skin also contains a +8 in Physical Attack.

These two will rock out in the coming patches to come, although we haven’t been given a time for the release of the skin, this skin would be great to end the year with a memorable skin with some awesome skill animations.

So wait, anticipate and buy them! For more information regarding the newest skins of Mobile Legends, just stay tuned for more updates!

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