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Kamis, 07 Desember 2017

New Freya Epic Skin – War Angel

Freya - war angel image
Have you watched “Gods of Egypt”? Because the newest skin of Freya resembles the wings of the characters there too and it was amazing how this skin is made and how will it appear on the game. But of course, all great items are never without a quest to work upon.

How to get Freya epic skin War Angel

Apparently, this Freya skin will only be available in the Lucky Box event that Mobile Legends will have soon as said in the 1.2.38 Patch Notes. This new Freya skin will also have skill effect changes besides animation effect changes with the “Goddess of War Model” as said in the preview.

Freya war angel lottery

But here is something that you may want to know more about it that will make you very interested in it. The War Angel skin shows Freya wearing an armor with 2 sets of wings, one from above and one from below.

She has a shield and sword equipped in her hands with a gold and pinkish-violet color schemes on the skin itself. She indeed resembles like an angel charging up for war.

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More news will be given about the Lucky Treasure event so be sure to keep on the lookout about that if you are an avid fan of Freya. For more information about Freya and the game, Mobile Legends, stay tuned!

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