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Senin, 11 Desember 2017

How to Create and Bind your Moonton Account to Mobile Legends

create moonton

4th Binding Account

It has not been a long time before we discussed binding your Mobile Legends Accounts to those that can be linked and the benefits of it. And with the inclusion of the developer’s own account system, Moonton accounts, we can now be more ensured that our game progressions will be always intact in case something happens.

Table of Content:

  1. Signing up for Moonton Account
  2. Binding
  3. Bonus

Read: Moonton Account Binding Bugs

Signing up for Moonton Account

Moonton Accounts can be seen in the Binding part of your account.

1. Simply go to “Basic Info” page of your Mobile Legends account then click the “Account” button. You will see that instead of the usual three, there would be four now, with Moonton available.
2 - 3. Click “Bind” and select the “Moonton Account”.
4.  After that, a popup will appear which prompts you to register in a Moonton account, you will need a working e-mail address, this is important and you should not use a throwaway e-mail address as you will need it to confirm your e-mail later.
5. Once registered, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your account. View the e-mail and click on the Activate button and once you see that it has been activated. Once, you return to the game, you may be prompted into putting the e-mail and password on your Moonton account, put it and now you can now proceed to bind your account.


    After signing up, you can now finally bind your Moonton account.

    • Return to “Basic Info” then “Account” after that select “Bind” and choose the “Bind Moonton” option. 

    It will again prompt you to register BUT you can just select the option to “Log In” below the button. It will open a text box where you input your e-mail and password.

    Wait while the game processes it and once you’re done. Voila! You can now switch and recover your accounts using the Moonton accounts.

    Read also,


    According to a notification, if you indeed did a switch or log-in to another system, cellphone and the like. You can also gain 200 tickets as a prize. It’s more than just a binding account but a chance to rack up tickets for your purpose!

    Read: Claim your 5000 BP for free!


    The developers of Mobile Legends, Moonton has taken a step forward in ensuring the account’s safety and the chance for players not to lose their progress by adding another binding method, which is the Moonton account. With prizes given (tickets), only time will show if this binding tool will be used by the players in order to avoid losing their account together with the time they effort on that account.
    So remember to bind your account using Moonton accounts, of course, you can also bind it to the Google Play, Facebook and VK purposes but if you want another layer of security, we suggest binding it in Moonton account.

    For more information about additional features in the game, Mobile Legends, stay tuned for more updates!

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