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Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Mobile Legends Patch 1.1.80 Notes introduces new hero, Aurora

This patch introduces new hero Aurora the Queen of the North, 8 free hero rotation for everyone, some hero balance adjustments, and gameplay changes.

I. New Hero, Aurora, the Queen of the North

II.Free Hero Rotation & New Skin 

1. 8free rotation heroes: server time 05:00:00 05/05/2017 ~ 05:01:00 12/05/2017(Tap your avatar – Options, to check the server time)
Balmond, Akai, Franco, Nana, Karina, Minotaur, Hayabusa, Chou 6extra free heroes for Starlight Member: Alice, Eudora, Kagura, Alpha, Ruby, Johnson8free rotation heroes: server time 05:00:00 12/05/2017 ~ 05:01:00 19/05/2017(Tap your avatar – Options, to check the server time)
Alice, Saber, Clint, Lolita, Eudora, Sun, Kagura, Natalia
6extra free heroes for Starlight Member: Nana, Fanny, Minotaur, Chou, Ruby, Cyclops

2.Chou, 30% off for a limited time period, server time 05:00:00 12/05/2017 ~05:01:00 12/05/2017.

3.New hero skin:
Aurora - Natures Throne: 269 diamonds

4.Added the demonstration voice for Ruby’s skin  Hidden orchid butterfly

III.Hero Balance Adjustment

Blood Ode: initial Spell Vamp adjusted from 30/55/80 to 40/60/80.

Hero role adjusted to Fighter/Tank; recommended gear sets adjusted; the avatar of Primal Fury skin optimized.

Fixed the bug that the skill description of Only Fast did not match its actual effect.

Fixed the bug that Hayabusa would go invisible when he cast the skill and the target just dies at the same time.

Fixed the bug of unable to specify the direction of her Ulti skill when they're enemy units.

Hero’s specialty adjusted to Regen/Damage

Recommended gear adjusted.

Hero poster optimized.

IV.Battleground Spells & Gear Adjustment

Gear Items:

Concentrated Energy:
Unique – Spell Vamp increase from 25% to 30%; price adjusted from 2120 to 2020.

Deadly Blade:
Optimized the visual effectof the Unique Passive - Life Drain.

Enchanted Talisman:
Price adjusted from 1970 to 1870.

Winter Truncheon:
Price adjusted from 2060 to 1960.

Feather of Heaven:
Price adjusted from 1960 to 1810.

Astral Wand:
Price adjusted from 2070 to1970.

Price adjusted from 2040 to 1940.

Eternal Scepter:
Price adjusted from 2100to 1950.

Calamity Scythe:
Price adjusted from 2100to 1950.

Guardian Relic:
Price adjusted from 2280to 2180.

Flame of Fury:
Price adjusted from 2220to 2120.

Blood Wings:
Price adjusted from 3000 to2850.

Fleeting Time:
Price adjusted from 2350to 2250.

V. Battleground Adjustment

1.Optimized the floor details of the map around the altars and turrets to make it more suitable to the world concept of Mobile Legends.
2.Optimized the skill mechanism of the Lord. Crowd stun effect now changed to avoidable crowd knock airborne effect, which will allow players to have fun of strategies when fighting against the Lord:
After every 5 attacks from the Lord,  an energy beam will generate under the feet of his enemies. 1 second later, it will knock airborne the enemies in the beam and deal damage to them.
3.The attack range of the Lord and the Turtle adjusted from 5 to 3.3.

VI.System Adjustment

1.Friend system optimized (this optimization is only for Android system at the moment while iOS users need to wait for the next update.):
a. Optimized the loading method of the friend's list in the Inbox. Now players can scroll the list up and down more smoothly.
b. Added the blacklist feature toFacebook friends. Now players can go to Inbox > FB Friends, and add their FBfriends to the blacklist. Consequently, they will show in the Blacklist instead of FB Friends list, and you won’t receive messages or invitation from them. Of course, you can cancel the block in the Blacklist to allow them to show up again in your friend's list.
2.Optimized the following interfaces to make them brand new:
Heroes list, Shop page, and Recharge page
3.Optimized the display of Arabic language.
4.Optimized the live stream system:

a. Live stream list improved:
1) Languages category added. Now the system will classify live streams according to players’ system language.
2) Add tags, including ‘Hot’, ‘New’, ‘Girl Streamer’ and ‘The WorldBest’.
3) Improved the rule of recommendations for live streams: dailyviewsRecommendations will be made according to popularities of streamers. Today’spopularities will be calculated anew every day, according to daily views, gifts received and newly gained followers.

b. Improved the Director Perspective in the live stream. Now the view of spectators is the same as it of the streamer.

c. Live stream spectating optimized:
1) After sending Flower or Jewelry, players can click on the gift icon to send items consecutively within the countdown time of ‘Combo’.
2) Optimized the visual effect of different layers for scrolling chat messages and gift-sending messages.
3) Optimized the rule of chat messages sending. Now players are not allowed to send the same messages consecutively.

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